The accuracy of the Air manometer also depends on the shape of


      What are the factors that affect the accuracy of Air manometer?

      We must consider the type of liquid in the column to make accurate measurements

      Must know the specific gravity of the liquid in the column

      The accuracy of the Air manometer also depends on the shape of the liquid where the liquid in the column interferes with the air.

      Column fluid quality is very important

      The characteristics of the indicator fluid are an important factor for the fluid to have good wetting characteristics

      What is the difference between a simple Air manometer and a differential pressure gauge?

      A simple Air manometer can only measure the pressure at one point, while a differential pressure gauge is used to determine the pressure between two points. In a simple pressure gauge, one limb is open to the air and the other is connected to a point, while in a differential pressure gauge, the limb is connected to two points. In the case of a simple pressure gauge, the pressure is determined by the level difference of the fluid flowing through the pipe, while in a differential pressure gauge, the pressure difference is determined by measuring the level difference of the pressure gauge liquid.

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