Yuzu Tea Recipe: A Citrusy Elixir to Brighten Your Day

  • In the world of citrus fruits, yuzu stands out as a unique and aromatic gem. Native to East Asia, yuzu is cherished for its vibrant flavor and zesty aroma. One of the best ways to savor this exquisite fruit is by preparing Yuzu Tea, a delightful and refreshing beverage that captivates the senses. In this blog, we'll explore the enchanting world of Yuzu Tea, its rich history, and how to create this invigorating elixir in your own kitchen. Learn Yuzu Tea Recipe at home. 

    The Essence of Yuzu:

    Yuzu is a small, yellow-orange fruit that looks like a cross between a lemon and a tangerine. Its distinct taste offers a harmonious blend of citrusy tang, floral notes, and a subtle hint of bitterness. Yuzu is widely used in Japanese and Korean cuisines, and its juice and zest are celebrated for their culinary versatility.

    The Yuzu Tea Recipe:


    • 2 fresh yuzu fruits (or 2 tablespoons of yuzu juice)
    • 4 cups water
    • 1/4 cup honey (adjust to taste)
    • Fresh ginger slices (optional)
    • Lemon slices and mint leaves for garnish (optional)


    1. Preparing the Yuzu: If you have fresh yuzu fruits, wash them thoroughly and slice them in half. Squeeze out the juice using a citrus juicer or by hand. If fresh yuzu is unavailable, you can use bottled yuzu juice, which is commonly found in specialty stores.

    2. Boiling the Water: In a saucepan, bring the water to a gentle boil. If you prefer a stronger yuzu flavor, you can add a few slices of fresh ginger to infuse the water.

    3. Creating the Yuzu Infusion: Once the water is boiling, remove it from heat and add the yuzu juice to the pot. Stir in the honey, adjusting the sweetness to your preference.

    4. Serving the Yuzu Tea: Pour the Yuzu Tea into individual serving cups. You can strain the tea to remove any ginger slices, although leaving them in adds a pleasant and subtle spiciness.

    5. Garnish and Enjoy: For an elegant presentation, garnish the Yuzu Tea with a few lemon slices and mint leaves. The lemon slices complement the yuzu's citrusy notes, while the mint adds a refreshing touch.

    The Joy of Yuzu Tea:

    Yuzu Tea offers a delightful harmony of flavors - the bright and zesty essence of yuzu, the natural sweetness of honey, and the aromatic ginger (if added). This aromatic and citrusy elixir provides a gentle and comforting sensation with every sip. Yuzu Tea is a perfect companion during chilly days or whenever you seek a refreshing and uplifting beverage.

    Health Benefits of Yuzu Tea:

    1. Rich in Vitamin C: Yuzu is known for its exceptionally high vitamin C content, which supports the immune system, aids in collagen production, and promotes skin health.

    2. Antioxidant Properties: The antioxidants in yuzu help combat free radicals, which are harmful molecules that can damage cells in the body.

    3. Digestive Aid: Yuzu Tea with ginger can be soothing for the stomach and may aid in digestion.

    4. Stress Relief: The citrusy aroma of yuzu has a calming effect, making Yuzu Tea an ideal choice to relax and de-stress.


    Yuzu Tea is a delightful and aromatic elixir that brings the vibrant flavors of yuzu to your cup. With its unique taste and array of health benefits, this citrusy treasure is a true gift from nature. So, embrace the joy of Yuzu Tea and let its citrusy embrace brighten your day, one sip at a time. Cheers to indulging in the delightful essence of yuzu!