Lead-acid batteries can be further divided into two types

  •   Types of 12v Deep Cycle Gel Battery

      At the basic level, we can divide 12v Deep Cycle Gel Battery into two types. they are:

      Lead-acid batteries

      Lithium-Ion Battery

      Lead-acid batteries are the dominant entity in-car start-up batteries or deep-cycle batteries. Facts have proven that lead-acid battery technology is reliable, consistent, and cost-effective.

      Lead-acid batteries can be further divided into two types:

      Flooded lead-acid battery

      Sealed lead-acid battery (or valve-regulated lead-acid battery)

      In addition, sealed lead-acid batteries are divided into:

      Absorbent fiberglass mat (AGM) battery

      Gel battery

      To facilitate understanding, we divide deep-cycle batteries into four types (three lead-acid types and one lithium-ion type).

      Submerged lead acid

      Absorbent glass mat (AGM)



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