How to increase FPS in Lost Ark?

  • Lost Ark is an action MMO with an isometric perspective that rewards fast mechanical action and high quarter movement. However, it can be challenging to pull off these highly skilled moves if low frame rate. You want your frame rate to be around 60 fps for best results.

    But if your fps is low, there are several ways to improve it. The first is to lower the settings in the Video section of your settings. They can be set to high by default, so reducing them to medium or low will boost your FPS.

    Also, features like better depth of field and indirect shadows will impact frame rates, especially in areas with many enemies or other players. Disabling them can increase FPS.

    But graphics settings are not the only thing that affects FPS. In online games, your connection can change frame rates dramatically. Optimize your connection by not running other online programs, including web browsers, in the background. Make sure another device isn't using your relationship, and if you're connected to Wi-Fi, consider switching to a wired connection.

    FPS optimization is almost always related to your hardware or internet connection in an MMO. Make sure your setting for playing Lost Ark reaches the recommended specifications for the game.

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