How to Catch Shiny Lickitung in Pokémon

  • Recently, Pokemon Go will host the first-ever Kanto Tour. In this event, players may encounter all 151 original Pokémon. Not only that, but the game also includes all 151 Pokémon "Shiny" forms, some of which are the first time you use them.

    This was a ticketed event, meaning players required to pay to sign up but the overall game also had limited research to perform for free-to-play players. Lickitung is just about the Shiny 6IV Pokemon that is given a Sinnoh evolution later on. This guide can have players how they could obtain their very own.

    Pokemon Go is regarded as the forgiving Pokemon title in relation to handing out Shiny Pokemon. The game carries on hosts several events on a monthly basis to increase the player's probability of encountering a Shiny Pokemon. From Spotlight Hours to Community Day, Pokemon Go affords the player numerous options to discover these elusive creatures. Although, finding Shiny Pokemon remains completely nearly luck. Here are a few methods for players to discover a Shiny Lickitung in Pokemon Go.

    The best way to locate a Shiny Lickitung is usually to focus on getting a regular one first. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no guarantee that Lickitung can certainly make an appearance regardless. If you failed, you can choose to Buy Shiny Pokemon. Lickitung counts to be a rare spawn, even for Kanto Pokemon. Currently, the overall game is hosting its Kanto Celebration Event. During this time, Pokemon in the Kanto region provide an increased spawn rate for a limited time. Not only that, but Lickitung can also be not available in eggs or raid battles, which may be other prime ways of finding it.

    The most important method for players is to utilize an Incense plus a regular Lure Module to improve the spawn rate of Pokemon. Make sure to try this before the Kanto Celebration Event closed. Pokemon Go will probably host a meeting in the future to aid players to get Shiny Lickitung. Until then, all the best. trainers.