If you want to cancel your Avast subscription, ensure you have signed in to your Avast account. How do I Cancel my Avast Subscription?
How do I remove my credit card from Avast?
Avast does not allow you to remove the credit card, but you can upgrade the patent details:
How do I Get a refund from Avast?
When you have purchased the plan but within 30 days, you realize to cancel the subscription. Users can request a refund by following the steps shared below:
After processing your request, you will be informed on the registered mail.
Why is Avast charging me?
Avast products need to subscribe after their subscription period expires. So you have to renew the subscription until you cancel it before the next billing date.
Hence, to cancel Avast subscription, you can use the above-mentioned ways. Avast offers services to protect your data and privacy by shielding you from cyber attacks. Be careful before canceling your subscription. Contact customer support if required.