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Why your printer is offline/ how to fix it_hp_printer_offline

    • 116 posts
    March 23, 2022 6:49 AM EDT

    1. Connection HP Printer and the user Device- At the time of setting up the printer with the user’s device the user has to make sure that they are establishing a stable connection between their printer and their device. because if the connection is not stable then in that case it will become harder to printer to connect with the device of the user and the user’s device will show the printer as offline. For establishing the connection the user has to connect lots of wire between the printer and the device, and in case any of the wire is damage then it can cause the error in the connection because when the wire are damaged they will keep on making the problems and thus the user’s printer will be shown as offline. To avoid this connection the user has to make establish a good and stable connection between their device and their printer.


    2. WIFI Connection of Printer- HP has introduces wireless printer for which the user needs to give command from any corner of their workplace and the print command will be completed but if the user is not connected with the WIFI or the printer is not connected to the WIFI then in that case the printer will be shown as offline. For the user it is important that both their devices are connected on the same network if the network of both the devices is different than the printer won’t print the user’s command. HP Printer Offline Fix