Agricultural Adjuvant Manufacturer Introduces The Use Environme

  • What are the factors that affect the air permeability of textiles by waterproofing agents? Next, Agricultural Adjuvant Manufacturer will explain in detail.

    Analysis elements of external environment of waterproofing agent
    1. When the relative humidity of the air is constant, the air permeability of textiles will increase with the increase of working temperature. The thermal activity of the gas molecular structure is increasing day by day, resulting in an increase in the diffusion capacity of the molecular structure.

    1. When the ambient temperature is constant: the air permeability of textiles will decrease as the relative humidity of the air increases. After the textile fabric absorbs the moisture content, the fiber expands and the air outlet shrinks, which reduces the porosity of the internal structure of the textile, and the porosity in the textile is blocked, resulting in a decrease in the air permeability of the textile.
    2. When the ambient temperature and relative humidity of the air remain unchanged, the standard air pressure P on both sides of the textile will change, which will harm the data flow of the evaluation, and the harm is nonlinear.

    The above content is organized and shared by Mold Release Agent Manufacturer, hoping to help those in need.