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Burning Crusade Gear Guide Updates

    • 1695 posts
    July 19, 2021 11:30 PM EDT

    Burning Crusade Gear Guide Updates

    We have made several updates to our popular Burning Crusade gear pages, adding sections detailing Aldor vs Scryer benefits, the best Badge of Justice items for your class, and a BiS configuration using the Gear Planner for those who just want the ideal setup without alternatives. These new sections are visible on both our pre-raid and Phase 1 raid BiS pages for all specs.To get more news about safest place to buy wow gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
    In Phase 1 there are a couple different gear set ups that are very good. Most slots are still just one best item, but a few have alternatives that won't meaningfully change your damage output. You are going to want to use two or three pieces of the Netherblade set and two pieces of the Wastewalker Armor set. The recommended best pieces are listed below, but as long as you stick to two pieces of each set you won't be too far behind. Be sure to read on to know what you need to get on your rogue, and what is a little more flexible.

    Below is an example set of gear that doesn't use items from world bosses. The handful of items from world bosses are only very very slightly better than this setup - you'll do just fine if you skip those items.For rogues, choosing your Shattrath faction either The Aldor or The Scryers doesn't make that big of a difference in terms of raid performance. The main longstanding benefit will be the shoulder enchants from these factions. Greater Inscription of Vengeance from The Aldor is very slightly better than Greater Inscription of the Blade from The Scryers, but it is such a miniscule difference that you are unlikely to ever notice it. You will do just fine choosing whichever faction you prefer.
    For Badge of Justice rewards, it depends on your situation. If you have powerful trinkets from WoW Classic like Slayer's Crest or Kiss of the Spider, then definitely pick up the Choker of Vile Intent before the Bloodlust Brooch. If you don't have those trinkets already, getting Bloodlust Brooch will be a big upgrade to your damage output - remember to use it at the same time as your other cooldowns for maximum benefit!