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Complete Guide to App Store Optimization

    • 1561 posts
    June 18, 2021 11:00 PM EDT

    Complete Guide to App Store Optimization

    The process of App Store Optimization consists of two main parts – optimizing the app page and optimizing the search page. Ranking high in the search results means your future user will find you more easily.To get more news about Specialty Android Keyword Ranking, you can visit official website.

    It is similar to being on the first page of Google – you’re more likely to be noticed. With millions of apps across the app stores, it is not easy to stand out. You’ve already done the hard part – you’ve developed an app. Now you have to let people know it exists and help them find you.Research your target market before launching the app. Understand your audience, their needs, and behavior. Don’t try to target everybody – your app will fulfill the specific needs of your users. If you’ve just published a game, research similar games, and their players.

    At the beginning of your App Store Optimization, start with deciding do you want to rank in the top 10 results for a more difficult keyword with much more traffic or your goal is to be on the top of the results (top 3, for example) list for a less difficult keyword.

    App Name isn’t just about branding – it is an important part of ASO. According to TUNE (Mobile App Analytics Platform), apps that included relevant keywords in the title, on average ranked 10,3% higher than apps without a title keyword.

    Did you know that titles in the App Store can be up to 255 characters long? That means you can use incorporate a lot of keywords and phrases. But don’t spam your future users with phrases that aren’t relevant to them.

    App Name should be a compromise between a catchy name and keywords relevant to your app. Longer titles will be truncated, meaning the user will only see the beginning of the title of your app in the search results.

    For the App Store, titles get truncated after the 23rd character (including spaces), and in Google Play, you can fit a bit more characters. To be exact, in the Google Play store the title of your app will be truncated after the 30th character.Keyword optimization will be different depending on where you are publishing your app. App Store and Google Play have different approaches when it comes to App Store Optimization keywords.

    In the App Store, there is a 100-character keyword field. Your app will rank in the search results based on how relevant the keywords are to the search query. Considering that, use all the characters you can to describe your app or game.

    Google Play
    In the Google Play store, there isn’t a designated field for entering keywords. App Store Optimization on the Google Play Store is more similar to modern SEO.

    Google Play takes into consideration every textual element in the apps’ description. Developers need to fill in 3 fields on Google Play – name, short description, and long description. Some suggest putting keywords in the short description as well as in the developer name and URL/package.

    For a new app, it will be very difficult to hit the top of the charts for often used keywords. If you’re starting, use long-tailed keywords that are more specific, but fewer apps are competing for them. It means you’ll be able to rank faster and with more ease.