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Nintendo already brought an choice to increase Animal Crossing

  • March 3, 2021 9:41 PM EST

    2021 is an possibility for Nintendo to add new content to Animal Crossing Items that clearly adjustments how players enjoy the game.But much like Halloween decorations in November, they elderly very quickly. There have been some updates that brought less time-particular content material, including the capability to swim or visit Dream Islands, but those have been virtually capabilities from New Leaf that weren't to be had in New Horizons at release.

    If there may be whatever New Horizons needs in 2021, it is a few simple fine-of-life modifications. Nintendo already brought an choice to increase Animal Crossing's storage similarly than first of all meant, however one of the greater traumatic matters approximately the sport is the scene that plays while gamers be a part of each different's islands. It's adorable, but it takes forever, so an choice to skip it might make a sizeable distinction.

    Additionally, while custom designs assist gamers truly personalize their characters and islands to be one in every of a kind, the restriction on their number is very harsh and have to Animal Crossing Items for Sale be elevated. The capacity to get admission to storage from anywhere might additionally be just as useful. Finally, it's not likely Nintendo will do it, but the capacity to create more than one islands on a single console could add a considerable amount of replay value to New Horizons.

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