How to Adjust Air Compressor Pressure Regulator

  • Proper adjustment of an air Filter Regulator is important for the smooth functioning of your air compressor and air tools. However, before we get on to the topic of how to adjust an air compressor pressure regulator, let us also understand some dynamics behind an air compressor and pressure regulator.

    Why Regulate Your Air Compressor?

    One of the most important components of an air compressor is the pressure regulator, which controls the flow of air that passes through the system. Without this type of control function, there would be no way to regulate the pressure and intensity of the air that flows from the compressor tank into your pneumatic tools. The regulator protects each tool from being over- or under-powered and, in doing so, helps ensure the quality of your pneumatic applications.

    Air pressure regulators are important because different levels of pressure are needed for different types of pneumatic tools. If you try to power a slow-moving tool with the same amount of pressure needed for a fast-moving operation, you would likely overpower that tool. If you did the opposite, the latter operation would likely yield lackluster results.

    How To Adjust Your Air Compressor Pressure Regulator

    This can be done in 8 simple steps. So, what is the correct procedure?

    Power Up

    Plug the air compressor in and turn it on.

    Fill the Tank

    Wait while the tank fills and the air pressurizes correctly. It might take a couple of minutes, depending on the capacity of your air compressor. Make sure the tank is full. You can tell the tank is filling by the sound the compressor makes.

    Maximum Air Pressure

    When the tank reaches the maximum air pressure, check the compatibility of your air tool. If the PSI is higher than the maximum pressure of your compressor, you should not use that tool.

    If you have a minimum of 20 percent PSI differential in favor of the compressor, you are good to go.

    Connect the Hose and Tool

    Now that you have compatibility between the compressor and the air tool, it’s time to connect the device to the air hose and the hose to the compressor.

    You should have a quick-connect fitting that clips into the air port of your pneumatic device, and the other end of the hose should screw onto the compressor.

    Once you have the tool and hose connected securely, it’s time to start adjusting the pressure regulator.

    Locate the Knob or Lever

    The location of the knob or lever varies depending on the make or the model. Most have it on the right side. It’s also typical to have a locking function to secure the lever when not in use. Pull it to release the lock, and when done, push it back in place to reactivate.

    Increase the Pressure

    To raise the PSI value, twist the knob clockwise, and the pressure will rise. When you get to the correct level, snap the lever back into place to initiate the lock.

    Decrease the Pressure

    To decrease the pressure, turn the lever anticlockwise, and the PSI will drop. Again, once you have the correct setting, push the knob in to put the lock on. Now you can operate your pneumatic tool.

    In short, by following these easy steps above, now you know how to adjust air compressor pressure regulator like an expert and have your machine run smoothly in no time. Choose the right air compressor pressure regulator is also important, here I recommend you visit Filter Regulator manufacturer