Dentist Murder _ Agatha Christie

  • "These little ladies," he said, "are all the same! Not keeping promises and self-centeredness are not reliable at all. Miss Morley asked speculatively, "You mean Gladys?" "I just heard. Her aunt has had a stroke. She has to go back to Somerset." Miss Morley said, "I'm sorry, my dear, but it's not her fault." Mr. Morley shook his head sullenly. How do I know if her aunt had a stroke? How do I know this wasn't arranged by the guy she runs around with all the time and doesn't deserve her? I've never seen anything as bad as that young man! They probably went sightseeing together today. No, my dear. I don't think Gladys would do such a thing. Don't you always think she has a conscience? "Yes, yes." "You praised her as a smart girl and said she really loved her job." Yes, yes, Georgina. But that was before this obnoxious young man arrived. Lately she's become too much she's become confused, distracted, neurotic. The Grenadier let out a long sigh. I can't help it,interactive digital whiteboard, Henry. Girls always fall in love. No one can escape. Mr. Morley snapped, "She shouldn't have let this affect her efficiency as my secretary.". Especially today, I am so busy! We have several very important patients coming in. That's the most annoying thing! I know it must be a headache. Henry. By the way, what about the new footman? "He's the worst man I've ever hired," Henry Morley said worriedly! Even the patient's name is not clear,interactive touch screens education, and people do not know the rules at all. If I don't make any more progress, I'll fire him and hire someone else. I really don't understand what our education is for now. It seems that we can only teach a bunch of fools. They can't even understand what you tell them, let alone let them remember it. He looked at his watch. I have to get started. The morning was filled with patients. That Sainsburyhill woman has a sore tooth to fill. I advised her to go to Reilly, but she wouldn't listen. "Of course she won't listen.". Said Georgina thoughtfully. In fact, Reilly is very capable. Really capable. He has an advanced diploma and the latest expertise. 'But His hands are shaking, 'said Miss Morley.' I think it's wine. ' Her brother laughed. His mood had improved. "As usual," he said, "I'll come up at 1:30 for a sandwich." At the Savoy Hotel, Mr. Amberioz was picking his teeth and grinning to himself. Everything went very smoothly. He was lucky as usual. To think that he had received so much in return for only a few kind words to that stupid woman with a broken mouth. Oh, yeah. Throw your bread on the water. He has always been warm-hearted and generous! He can be more generous and generous in the future. Pictures of kindness appeared before his eyes. Little Demetri and his Constantopoulos struggle with his little restaurant. What a delightful adventure! Inadvertently, digital interactive whiteboard ,smart board interactive whiteboard, the toothpick pierced too deeply, and Mr. Ambrioz shrank in pain. The rosy dream of the future is gone. It is replaced by the experience of the pain of the present moment. He gently probed his mouth with his tongue and pulled out his notepad. 12 o'clock. 58 Queen Charlotte Street. He tried in vain to restore his former state of cheerfulness. As far as the eye could see, everything shrivelled, leaving only twelve words: 58 Queen Charlotte Street. 12 o'clock. Glengowell Court Hotel, South Kensington. Breakfast is over. In the lounge, Miss Sainsbury Hill was sitting and chatting with Mrs. Boleso. A week ago, the day after Miss Sainsbury moved in, they met and became friends because they ate at the next table. Miss Sainsburyhill said: "Tell you what, dear, it doesn't hurt anymore!"! I don't feel any more pain! Maybe I should hang up. Mrs. Boleso interrupted her. Don't be silly, my dear. You'd better go to the dentist and solve it. Mrs. Boleso was a tall woman with a deep voice, and a woman who gave orders. Miss Sainsburyhill was in her early forties, and her loose hair, which had begun to turn white, curled upward in small, irregular circles. Her dress was sloppy and vulgar, and her pince-nez were falling off. The woman is very talkative. Then she said hopefully, "But it really doesn't hurt at all!" "Nonsense.". You told me you didn't sleep at all last night. "Yes, I didn't sleep, indeed I didn't sleep, but now I'm afraid the nerves in my teeth are actually dead." "All the more reason to go to the dentist," Mrs. Boleso said firmly. "We all like to put it off, but that's just cowardice. It's better to make up your mind and get rid of it! What words rose to Miss Sainsbury Hill's lips. Perhaps it was a defiant grunt: "That's true, but it's not your teeth that hurt!" But what she said was, "I hope you're right. Besides, Mr. Morley is very careful, and he's never hurt anyone." The board meeting is over. The meeting went well and the report was well done. There should be nothing inappropriate. But the sensitive Mr Samuel Rotherstein noticed a slight anomaly in the chairman's behaviour. Once or twice, very briefly, there was a sour note in the chairman's voice, but it wasn't caused by the agenda at all. A secret worry, perhaps? But Rotherstein could never connect any secret worry with Alistair Brent. He did not show his emotions,electronic board for classroom, he did everything according to normal standards, and he was an Englishman through and through. Then it's the liver. Mr. Rotherstein's liver is constantly giving him trouble. But he had never heard Alistair complain about his liver, and Alistair's health was as famous as his shrewd brain and strong control of money. It's not an annoying health problem. He's in perfect health.