To cancel the Norton subscription, you need to get on their website and make a selection of suitable options. Once you have completed the cancellation, you'll also be able to use your Norton subscription until the last validation date. You can even connect with the customer service team of Norton to make the cancellation.
Yes, you can cancel when you have made the subscription. You don't need to wait for the subscription's last date to be canceled. After cancellation, your subscription agreement will be valid until the later date of the subscription.
Yes, you can certainly cancel your Norton subscription. Make the selection of the steps below.
To get the refund, you only need to connect with Norton Antivirus. If you want to ask, or you have a question in your mind, "How do I contact Norton to cancel my subscription?" or for a refund. Then you only need to phone up the official number of Norton. They'll ask for your details and quickly give you the answer you want.