Best Dubia Roaches


    Blapticadubia's diets consist of fresh fruit and vegetables supplemented with dry dog food, grain cereal, baby cereal and fish flakes. If this seems like to much work or expensive you can find roach diet online.Blapticadubia makes wonderful feeder roaches for many reasons. Now that you know how to feed your Dubai lets talk about their environment. Since Dubai are a nonclimbing species any smooth-sided container will make great home. Make sure that your - gecko food.

    Dubia roaches do not have balanced calcium to phosphorus ratio, however, so they must be dusted with a high-quality calcium powder before feeding.They contain a high amount of protein, with moderate amounts of fat and fiber, making them a nutrient-packed feeder.We have several different sizes of dubia roaches for sale, plus a wide range of products to care for them, all at low prices. Check out our dubia roach care sheet to learn the best way to care for feeder roaches - gecko diet.

    Providing a variety of different food sources is an important part of keeping your pet healthy, so be sure to check out our other feeder insects too.We offer the highest quality grown feeder insects and quality products at reasonable prices.Reptile Supply has one goal: to provide the best live feeders and a large selection of quality reptile products at reasonable prices. For more information, please visit our site