Dubia Roaches for Sale



    We've been raising and selling nutritious, quality feeder insects for many years. Our mission is to provide you with the healthiest, liveliest and most nourishing - dubia roaches on the market. Dubia make a great feeder roach for a few good reasons. They can be feed to anything from tarantulas to large lizards such as monitors.

    Dubia Roaches diet with a protein source so that the protein may be passed on to your pet reptile. Always give consideration to feeding your lizard complete food gadgets corresponding to bugs and mice, as a substitute of adhering to a piecemeal method. Lucky for you, dubia roaches are a very hardy feeder insect and do not get stressed as easy. Dubia roaches are a bit more expensive to purchase but once you establish a colony you will never need to buy crickets again.

    You can also just buy roaches ever few weeks to feed. Being a bearded dragon owner you might be looking for a cheaper way of supplying food for your beloved bearded dragon. Bearded dragons can have a large appitate. One solution could be to start your own dubia roach - bearded dragon food.

    Dubia roaches are a non-climbing, non-flying species. Another great thing about dubia roaches is the fact they do not make any noise and have a very mild odour unlike other feeder insects such as feeder crickets and superworms. A high quality diet works best for all feeder insects. The quality of food that goes into your feeder insect is passed along to your pets. A quality feeder will help you maintain a healthy and happier pet. For more information, please visit our site https://talis-us.com/collections/reptile