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    Being a bearded dragon owner you might be looking for a cheaper way of supplying food for your beloved bearded dragon - dubia roaches. Bearded dragons can have a large appitate. One solution could be to start your own dubia roach colony. Dubia roaches are a great option for several different reasons.

    Also, don’t feed any of the above fruits or vegetables exclusively—this can shortly lead to deficiencies in a single or many areas. It’s always finest to supply an assortment of meals on your Bearded dragon to eat. Now, your Bearded dragon may be maintained on a diet comprised solely of animal matter, just so you’re conscious - bearded dragon food.

    dubia roaches are a very hardy feeder insect and do not get stressed as easy. Dubia roaches are a bit more expensive to purchase but once you establish a colony you will never need to buy crickets again. If you do not want to have a large colony you can just feed a few off as treats a couple times a week. You can also just buy roaches ever few weeks to feed off and not worry about having to deal with a colony of feeder roaches. For more information, please visit our site