Ink Control Of Flat Screen Printing Machine Factory Equipment

    1. Try not to use soybean oily ink in the printing process, because soybean oil is a semi-dry (slow) oil, so it is not easy to dry when printing on paper with a dense surface.


    1. The best way to solve the problem of dryness is to prevent it. You need to communicate clearly with the ink supplier before printing. The ink suppliers of open rotary printer know their products better than printers. What kind of printed matter does the ink apply to? For example, trademark nameplates are printed on paper. Even different papers use different inks for printing. For example, the drying of ink on newsprint is completely different from the drying on certain types of paper.


    1. In the printing environment, the pH value of the fountain solution should be controlled within the range of 4.0 to 5.0. The higher the acidity (the lower the PH value), the slower the ink drying process.


    1. Adding additional desiccant to the fountain solution can improve the drying performance of the ink.

    2. Use large particles of dust to help separate the printed paper, allowing more oxygen to enter and react with oil and resin.


    1. Let the supplier increase the strength of the ink so that it can be printed on a thinner ink layer, which is easier to fix and dry.


    1. Because the temperature of the printing press or the paper may be too low, which will delay the drying of the ink, the paper should be pre-treated before printing.


    1. When printing a large area of ​​solid ground, use varnish or transparent glue containing desiccant for overprinting.


    1. Use the recommended amount of desiccant for the ink used. Too much desiccant will plasticize the ink and make it not dry.


    Finally, the best solution for Flat Screen Printing Machine Factory to control the drying speed of screen printing inks is to reach an agreement with the ink supplier, what ink you want to print, and what kind of ink the other party needs to provide. After choosing the right ink, we can grasp the points that should be paid attention to in the details. By adding more oil or alkyd resin to the catalyst, or using completely dry materials, such as linseed oil or tung oil, instead of semi-dry oil, such as soybean oil, the oxidation rate can be increased. Some ink drying problems are caused by incorrect carriers, which lead to low oxidation processes or lack of available catalysts.