Introduction Of Flat Screen Printing Machine Factory Printing


    Today, many printing companies use both digital and rotary screen printing machines in their production processes. Would it make more sense to combine the two printing methods in a hybrid press?

    This is a logical question, especially when you consider that some manufacturers offer single-pass digital machines with one or more rotating stations. It doesn't look like a difficult mechanical/electrical job, and the printer can print either digitally or in rotation, which is a useful asset for many Flat Screen Printing Machine Factory.
    Note: We assume in this blog that the customer's demand for hybrid printers is based on the desire to combine two technologies in the same print job. You can also assume that the printer only prints rotary printing or digital printing in the job, in which case all the parameters in this blog are invalid. But we believe that this type of application is not the basis for mixed printer requests.
    Hybrid presses: 3 factors to consider

    As mentioned earlier, the hope for hybrid printers is justified. Ideally, certain types of designs can use digital printing partly and rotary printing partly. For example, using digital printing to print a solid color background is more challenging and more costly. For a colorful floral print with a pure black background, the idea of ​​using a rotary screen printing to print the background and digitally print the flowers sounds very attractive.
    Another example is gold patterns on digital prints. Gold cannot be printed digitally, so this pattern must be done separately using a rotary screen printing machine.
    For these problems, the most obvious solution is a printer that can print numbers and rotations at the same time, so you can use the same printer to make a product. The open rotary printer is technically feasible, but you must consider three important factors.