Attention To The Use Of Flat Screen Printer

  • Currently, screen printing has gradually replaced traditional manual printing. Flat Screen Printer is far superior to manual printing in technology, speed and quality. Flat Screen Printer is becoming more and more intelligent, gradually transitioning from semi-automatic Flat Screen Printer to fully automatic Flat Screen Printer, greatly saving manpower. When using Flat Screen Printer, some problems occasionally occur. Licheng Machinery summarized several issues that should be paid attention to in the use of Flat Screen Printer, let's take a look.
    1. Do not allow too much water and oil to enter the air pressure system of the Flat Screen Printer to avoid roller failure and shorten the service life of the roller, and ensure that the compressed air is dry and clean;
    2. Check whether the amount of oil in the oil cup of the Flat Screen Printer converter is sufficient every day. When not in use for a long time, the pressure reducing valve should be pushed to the back end. If possible, it is best to install a freeze dryer.
    3. When the Flat Screen Printer stops working, turn off the main power switch and compressed air source. The cylinder of the speed control valve and the axis of each component should avoid magnetic loss.
    4. The horizontal sliding seat and high-precision parts of the Flat Screen Printer workbench must be wiped clean and oiled regularly to prevent the accuracy from being affected by rust.
    5. Flat Screen Printer is for printing and ink control. When printing, it is necessary to control the ink output speed. The Flat Screen Printer should ensure that the ink is even. Once the ink is applied.
    Flat Screen Printer
    6. Flat Screen Printer printing speed control. The printing speed of Flat Screen Printer can be controlled manually. For the fully automatic Flat Screen Printer, it can be set by itself without too many human operations.
    7. Flat Screen Printer printing and cleaning printing parts. The printing effect of Flat Screen Printer is not only related to equipment, but also related to printed matter. If there is water or dust in the printed matter, it will cause the ink to fail and affect printing. Therefore, the printed matter should be cleaned before printing.
    8. Special operators are required to operate and use Flat Screen Printer. The use of operating equipment requires training. Only after passing the training, can the mechanical equipment be operated to ensure that the mechanical equipment will not be damaged.
    9. When introducing compressed air, do not place any part of the body where the Flat Screen Printer can move to avoid crushing injuries.
    10. If the roller of the Flat Screen Printer moves too fast, turn the flow control valve clockwise to reduce its speed, otherwise, if it moves too slowly.
    11. During Stenter's screen printing process, appropriate amount of oil and water should be added from time to time according to the air drying of the ink to maintain the viscosity of the ink.