Why Not Try DIY Curtain Rod Finials

    1. Tree Branch Curtain Rod Finials

    5 DIY Curtain finial- tree branch curtain rod
    tree branch curtain rod via Primitve & Proper
    If you’re a fan of the great outdoors, this is a great way to bring some of it inside. Just find a relatively straight tree branch of the length you need and trim it. Sand and paint it to match your decor, or leave it natural for a more rustic look. Use tie-top curtains so you can adjust for any curve the branch may have. To add to this natural look, try small pine cones or grapevine balls as curtain rod finials. Just glue them to the ends of the branch to complete your rustic look.

    1. Wooden Dowels As Curtain Rods

    Simple, clean, and versatile, a wooden dowel is easy to trim to size and has almost limitless possibilities for personalization. Just make sure the dowel is thick enough to support your curtains, cut it to the right length, and then paint it and add finials that fit your room. Try gluing decorative orbs to wooden rings for more stability and a more finished look; you can get both at any craft or hobby shop. Glue those to the dowel for a simple one-piece rod. Attach your curtains, rest it on some curtain rod hangers, and enjoy.

    1. Bamboo Curtain Rods Finials

    For a natural look with a touch of the exotic, bamboo is a strong and stylish product. You can find it in the garden supply section of your home improvement store. They come in various lengths and stains to match your room’s decor and work well with any type of window treatment. The neutral nature of bamboo means it won’t compete with a patterned curtain or custom window blinds. For finials, try small wooden doorknobs or grapevine balls to continue the natural look.

    1. PVC Pipe As Curtain Rods

    This is another option with endless possibilities. Painted, decorated with decals or cut-outs, wrapped in ribbon or colored paper — it’s a completely versatile solution. Try a pipe about an inch thick, a little thicker for heavier curtains. Your home improvement store can cut it to size for you, and then you can have fun with it. There are many possibilities for finials too; just attach the object of your choice to a dowel that fits snugly in the pipe. These finials are removable, so you can switch them out when you want a new look.

    1. Electrical Conduit Curtain Rod Finials

    If you like the look of a metal curtain rod, try using electrical conduit to make your own. Most hardware and home improvement stores will cut it to size for you, and you can even make your own custom hooks using conduit clips and L brackets. This is another totally customizable option. Paint it black and add crystal doorknobs as finials for a glamorous look, or leave it as is for a modern industrial feel.

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