Lost Ark - How to Build Card Sets

  • The first thing you need to Lost Ark Gold know is that a character's Card Deck could hold six different cards at once. You can switch them out whenever you want.

    The game's cards are set in. If you're making a deck, the more cards you are able to include in the set the more bonuses and buffs you'll get from them.

    This implies that the use of random cards from different sets will be considerably less efficient than equipping cards from the same set.

    This, however, does not imply that all 6 cards have to be of the identical set. You may use as little as two or as much as 6 cards of the same set. Which cards you choose to be using completely will depend on what kind of bonuses and effects you want for your character.

    If you are putting cards into your deck, be sure you click"Set Effect Details" above the card set "Set Results Details" option over the card set to view any bonuses that the set can offer you. This will help you choose the Card Sets you'd like to put to put in your deck.

    How to Get New Cards

    For Lost Ark, obtaining cards is very simple to complete. This is because cards are available as collectibles in almost all the activities in the game.

    This is a reference to missions and dungeons as well as raids, vendors and so on. If you're playing games, you'll gain a bunch of cards without even trying to.

    If you're looking to collect as many cards as you can ensure that you go through the weekly and daily missions. Then, you can complete all the dungeons or raids that you can in order to accumulate a huge number of cards.

    Raids are a particularly good place to go when trying to acquire cards. The reason for this is Guardian bosses that participate in raids are given a small chance to drop an self-titled Legendary Card.

    Legendary Cards are one of the rarest cards in the game and have the highest bonus. Be sure to Lost Ark Power leveling perform every raid you are able to.