QuickBooks C series errors are data errors in QuickBooks . ‘C’ series errors usually appear in the format - “R#(M==1153, L=133, C=88, V=28 (FFFFFFF4)”. C code errors are usually encountered in older versions of Quickbooks. One such error is QuickBooks error code C=88 which is encountered while using the authentic data within the company file. You may encounter QuickBooks error C=88 repeatedly.
What are the causes of Quickbooks Error Code C=88? :
1. Lower network resources on the server.
2. Data damage.
3. Issues in the NIC.
How To fix Quickbooks Error Code C=88?
Step 1: Fixing the data damage.
1. Resort the lists, which can be done by reaching the List menu in the Quickbooks.
2. Rebuild data utility, which can be done by reaching the file menu.
3. data, this can also be done from the utilities tab of the file menu.
4. Click Verify data, let the tool verify data for the possible damage.
Step 2: If there are low system/network resources.
Hopefully the above mentioned ways are helpful in resolving Quickbooks error C=88, if you feel you need more help to resolve Quickbooks Error C=88, reach out to Quickbooks enterprise support at +1-888-485-0289.