How to Choose a Suitable Cat Litter Box

  • Finding a suitable Plastic Cat Litter Box can be a daunting task, but once you find the perfect one that your cat uses without problems, and you’re happy with how it cleans or scoops, you’re safe. Good ones aren’t complicated or expensive, so you need not live with a litter box that’s difficult to clean or maintain, or that lets your cat kick litter up all over the place.

    Even in a one-cat household, it shouldn’t be “one and done” when getting litter boxes. Everybody likes to have options, and for many reasons it’s a good idea to give them to your cat too when it comes to where they pee and poo. The general rule is to have one more litter box than the number of cats you have — it’s called the “n+1 rule.” For example, 2 cats=3 litter boxes, and so on. Having too few litter boxes is a common cause for many of the “toileting problems” that result in cats being brought to the vet or relinquished to the shelter.

    This is conceivably the a lot of important affair to accede if allotment your cat’s clutter boxes. Cramped abode are no fun for anyone! Make abiding the clutter boxes you accept for your cat are abounding abundant for your cat to fit central comfortably, with some allowance to spare. They should accept abounding amplitude to move and dig about in it, after accepting to footfall out. There should be affluence of amplitude for them to calmly abstain any “deposits” that are still about from beforehand visits.

    As a accepted rule, the actual admeasurement clutter box should be at atomic as continued as your cat, from their adenoids to the tip of their appendage (when extended), and its amplitude should be at atomic as advanced as your cat is continued (with their appendage not extended).

    The acme of the boxes’ abandon is aswell a actual important affair for you to consider. And your cat's personality and "condition" will partially behest the hight of the boxes they need.

    Best Box Acme For A lot of Cats: For bodies that aren't "sprayers," or don't commonly bang clutter out of their boxes, a box with walls about 5–7" top is about abundant (especially if the box is large). Check out my recomendation for the best all-embracing clutter box for accepted use below.

    Best Box Height for "Sprayers" and More: If you've got a "sprayer," "kicker," or a cat with bad aim in your "clowder" (the official name for a group of cats), then you'll want the sides to be tall enough to minimize the risks of these undesirable habits; but of course your cat still needs to be able to get into and out of their boxes with ease and without pain. So look for boxes with three sides that are tall enough to prevent pee, poop, or litter hitting your floor (usually wall heights of around 8–12" are good), but that also have a lower entry/exit side to make getting in and out easy (this side should be around 5–6"). See below for my litter box recommendations for "sprayers," "kickers," and those with bad aim.

    Best Box Height for Mobility Issues: If you've got a young kitten or any cats with arthritis or other mobility problems, then you'll definitely need boxes with at least one side that’s super low. For most of these cats, an entry/exit side that is around 2.5–3.5" typically provides a good balance of ease of entry/exit for your cat, while still being able to keep litter in. If you are ever eager to learn more about BRIGHT cat litter box, or have other shipping-related questions, please feel free to contact us by click pet-food-container or