The Ductility Of Copper Winding Wire


    The ductility inspection of copper winding wire is also a very critical task. What elements will harm the ductility of enameled wire? Let's take a look.
    Enameled wire It is the main purpose of the
    magnet wire family that everyone touches frequently and is currently on the market. It has a wide range of applications. Because of its widespread use, it will have everyone's wrong ideas in the question type. The most common enameled wire is polyester imide enameled wire.

    The elongation of the paint film itself is not large. When it is applied to the transmission line, it has adhesive force. It is caused by the mutual diffusion of the molecular structure between the paint and the metal material. Enameled wire paint is an optically active polymer, which has good compatibility with conductors, is beneficial to molecular diffusion and has good adhesion.

     If non-polar chemicals or waste are stained on the surface of the transmission line, it will reduce the adhesion of the paint film. The softness of the polymer material chain is related to its carbon chain composition. The carbon atoms composed of two single chains can rotate at will according to their management axis. Increasing the degree of chemical cross-linking of polymer materials can increase the stiffness of polymer materials, but reduce the softness. When the molecular structure chains are chemically cross-linked, they are linked into a whole, constraining the molecular structure in the middle of the cross-links In the fitness exercise of the chain, excessive chemical cross-linking makes the raw material lose its softness and enhance the ductility of the copper winding wire.