Chen Xiang Xue (is today)Chen Xiang Xue (is today)

  • He was wondering how she, who had always been lively and active, had been silent all the way. It turned out that she was not feeling well. "Aren't you a doctor?" He joked. Still angry with him, she replied in a fit of pique, "What's so strange about doctors getting sick, too?" After a while, she said, "I want to relieve myself." He reined in and stopped. Murong Xue jumped off his horse and went straight to the woods by the river. Yelv Yan sat on his horse, looking at the petite and graceful figure hidden in the green grass and bushes. He wanted to get closer, but he didn't think it was right. Besides, her bundle was still in his hands, and she had no money and no horses. I don't think she would have any more branches. Unfortunately, he underestimated Murong Xue's courage. Under the cover of the bushes, she bent down and ran toward the river. The spring river was still biting, but thinking about the misery of the future, she gritted her teeth and stepped into the river. The water of Ningling River came from Huanhua Stream in the city. It was shallow and narrow, and the water was clear to the bottom. She waded across the river quickly. On the other side was a boundless field of rapeseed flowers, which were blooming brilliantly at the moment. She bent over and dived into the chest-high field of rapeseed flowers to hide in the depths. She did not know how many points she could win, but she knew that this was her last chance to escape. When she entered Yixian County and went to Beijing with those beautiful girls, there would be a lot of Suwei followers, and she would never have a chance to escape. Thinking of the dark and miserable future, the dissolute and lascivious old emperor, she was full of indomitable fighting power. Yelv Yan waited for a while, but no one came back, so he rode over and took a cursory look at the bushes. There was no one inside. He was so angry that his eyebrows stood on end. She did run away again. He blew a whistle in his hand, and immediately yuan Chenglie and Zhang Rong followed him. Split up and look for it along the river bank. yuan Chenglie admires Murong Xue's indomitable spirit, but Zhang Rong has a headache. This Murong girl is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. The two men, one left and one right, went along the river bank to look for someone. Yelv Yan held a long whip in his hand and looked around. She did not ride a horse, relying on her own feet, less than a cup of tea can run where. Will you cross the river and enter the rape flower field? He narrowed his eyes and looked at the vast sea of flowers on the other side. In the noon sun, a golden yellow, such as the overwhelming brocade, the breeze, the sea of flowers undulating. Murong Xue did not dare to get up and run fast in the rape flower field, bent over and squatted, carefully hiding in the depths of the rape flower field. At this moment, she has thrown caution to the wind, can hide for a while, even if there is a chance to escape, she will throw caution to the wind to try. Into the eyes is a golden yellow, warm wind overflowing, bringing sweet fragrance. Yelv Yan had no intention of watching this beauty, and his sharp eyes were like a falcon. She must be hiding here, he was sure of it. The whip was untied from his waist. He stretched out his arm and snapped. The whip roared out of his hand like a dragon, sweeping a golden rain of flowers. Steeds, like dragons, Narrow aisle rack , gallop through the rape flowers, and in the whistling of long whips, pieces of fallen flowers are like rain. When Murong Xue heard the whistling whip, her heart was like a drum, and she dared not run any more, for fear that he would see her whereabouts. She slowly moved to a low-lying ridge, squatted, and clasped her hands together. She had never worshipped the Buddha, but now she was cramming and reciting Amitabha several times. Unfortunately, the sound of the whip is like a shadow, getting closer and closer. She was so nervous that she could hardly breathe. A crisp whip came through the air, breaking the last trace of her remaining fantasy. He jerked the reins, and the steed raised its front hooves with a whinny. She raised her head, and the glare of the sun forced her eyes to narrow. Sitting on a horse, Yelv Yan looked at her from above, in the golden sunshine, in the golden sea of flowers, how he looked like the scene in her dream at the moment, riding a tall horse standing in front of her, handsome as a God. Unfortunately, not to marry her. The whip in his hand was covered with golden petals, and she thought he was going to whip her. But now she was not afraid of anything, slowly stood up, her face was covered with the petals of rape flowers, but her eyes were stubborn and strong light, looking up at him provocatively. Yelv Yan clenched the whip in his hand, and when he was looking for her, the itching anger of his teeth disappeared in an instant. He looked at this awkward and stubborn woman, and suddenly there was a touch of sympathy in his heart. She does have a rare thick skin, and she does have a rare solitary courage in a woman. She was in such a mess that her dress was all wet and one of her shoes ran away, but even so, her appearance was still gorgeous. Because of running, the skin as white as snow is colored like pink clouds, and the lips are ruddy. In the clear and clear eyes, there is a touch of stubbornness in full swing. He had never seen such a look on a woman. The golden flowers were in full bloom around her, and she seemed to be shining all over. A gust of wind blew up the long scattered hair on her forehead, breaking the picture of quiet beauty and absence, and he suddenly realized that he had been looking at her for too long. Come back with me. He bent down and stretched out his hand from his horse, with a rare gentleness in his tone and a rare kindness in his expression, without the ferocious look he had when he caught up with her yesterday. But she looked at the long, strong hand and shook her head angrily. "Why won't you let me go?" He paused, "I can't let you go. The list of beautiful girls has been reported to the court, and you are the person that Zhao Shufei specially recommended to the emperor." "Can't you just say I ran away and didn't catch up?" She knew that she was talking in a fool's dream, so her voice was as soft and deep as a dream, giving birth to a fascinating force. The watery eyes are filled with bright light, as if they were spots of light beating on the blue waves. He was suddenly puzzled by the sad and angry ripples in her eyes. It turned out that a person's grievance could also be so touching, as if it could give birth to a soft silk, which entangled people's reason. He narrowed his eyes, unexpectedly bewitched by her general, the heart flashed a trace of hesitation, if let her what will happen? The thought was only a flash, and he waved his whip and raised a fallen flower, as if he were cutting off the water with a knife and cutting off the fleeting thought.