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Each state has a variety of id cards

  • May 21, 2020 11:22 PM EDT

    See someone say, the id card of American state also is what driving license, multifarious, different color, different form. That I am very curious, American also does not have registered permanent residence, temporary residence card so say, casual flow. How can the us government and the police verify the identity card? For example, when the police in New York question people from California and Texas, can he recognize the identity CARDS of the two states? Do American police have to remember what 51 states' id CARDS look like and how they are faked? fake id Pennsylvania - Real id card surface is physical security film, is colorless transparent, appropriate up and down tilt id card, will observe the left upper part of the document has a change color of the Great Wall pattern, show orange green, the id card rotation 90 degrees direction.