How To Reduce an Excess Accumulation Of Pitta?

  • Pitta is one of the three Ayurveda doshas. It is known to govern the metabolism and transformation taking place in the body. Ayurvedic Pitta dosha predominantly controls how people digest food and also helps them discriminate right from wrong. In short, it concerns itself with the digestion power or “Agni” and makes sure it does not go into overdrive and causes you discomfort and stomach-related ailments. (Information source:

    Signs of excess accumulation of Pitta dosha

    Summer is known to be the season of Pitta. Since the Ayurvedic Pitta dosha is a combination of fire and water elements, it has the characteristics of being hot, oily, and light. If there is an excess Pitta accumulation in your body, you may notice the following:

    • Excess generation of heat within the body
    • Inflammation of the joints
    • Anger and irritability
    • Body odor
    • Bad breath
    • Excessive sweating
    • Acid reflux, indigestion, and gas
    • Nausea, constipation, or diarrhea

    Reasons for Pitta imbalance

    If you want to balance Pitta dosha, you need to know what causes Pitta imbalance first. There are lots of factors contributing towards Pitta accumulation of Pitta imbalance. Some of the major factors are:

    • Exposure to Pitta provoking or opposing diet
    • Exposure to the sun
    • Physical or emotional stress
    • Excessive consumption of preservatives
    • Exposure to too many chemicals

    Diet to balance Pitta dosha

    You can balance Pitta by consuming a combination of fresh, grounding, cooling, and carbohydrate-rich foods. If you have an excessive accumulation of Pitta dosha, you need to take care of the points given below:

    • Favor cool over hot or warm.
    • Dry food over liquid is better for curbing Pitta dosha.
    • Nourishing and light food is better over dense or heavy food items.
    • Mild drinks like fresh juices over hard drinks like caffeine-based drinks or alcohol are also perfect examples of Pitta balancing foods.

    Here is a diet recommendation you may follow. Fresh vegetables and fruits are best in pacifying Pitta dosha. Fruits that are sweet and slightly astringent help control dosha. When you choose food for pacifying Pitta, it is crucial to distinguish between the tastes because anything sweet is good for you. However, a bitter fruit or vegetable can work against your body. Also, it is best to have fruit, vegetables, or juices alone without any accompaniment to any other food. You can have them half an hour before or after any meal. It will help in proper digestion of the food and also make the maximum of your diet.

    • Fruits: Apples, cherries, pear, pomegranate, melons, figs, apricots, coconut, papaya, mango, watermelon, grapes, berries, dates, plums, orange, and strawberries
    • Vegetables: Avocado, cauliflower, cilantro or coriander, pumpkin, cabbage, spinach, okra, potatoes, mushrooms, broccoli, celery, peas, radishes, sweet potato, lettuce, cucumber, leafy greens, and more
    • Grains: Barley, oats, wheat, wheat bran, pancakes, rice, couscous, quinoa, granola, tapioca, pasta, and more.
    • Spices: Basil, black pepper, ginger, mint, saffron, cinnamon, cardamom, fennel, coriander, peppermint, orange peel, vanilla, and parsley.

    With the right diet favoring Ayurvedic Pitta dosha, you can reduce its excess accumulation effectively.