Best ESX Scripts


    Find the best scripts and mods on our FiveM store! Made for your server to enhance roleplay experience right away. Want to make your server better than others? Use premium resources, tested by our shop team to ensure best quality and performance. We offer to best support, and if the support can’t help you, we are also offering a refund guarantee - fivem scripts.

    It is our mission to offer best quality for you. Those products are complete template servers for plug&play so you save a lot of time. Perfect for a good start on FiveM and ready within minutes. Just buy a FiveM server package from our  FiveM Store and install it. Make your roleplay server more special with our offered ESX scripts. Tested and verified by our team - fivem download.

    These files are the common files for resources, sometimes the names of and server may be changed or you could have a config file. Now restart your server and the resource will automatically start when the server starts. If you don’t want it to automatically starts take this line out of the start list and you can start. We present you some of our best FiveM scripts for FiveM. For more information, please visit our site