The most expensive items in Rocket League are listed below

  • Since its initial release in 2014, Rocket League has generated hundreds of cosmetic items. It is possible for some of Rocket League's best-looking cosmetics to sell for absurd amounts of credits on the secondary market because they have been discontinued and are now only available through trading. This list will highlight the top ten most valuable items in Rocket League, as well as the reasons why they are so valuable. You can use BakkesMod to see a preview of these items before purchasing them.

    Each item on the list has a credit value next to it, with 1000 credits equaling approximately ten dollars in value. Please keep in mind that these are market estimates as of January 2021, and that prices may change at any time.

    Mainframe in Titanium White for 15k

    Mainframe is one of the best decals in Rocket League, and it gives your car the appearance of a pulsating circuit board. Players also prefer the Titanium White color, which is the same as the color of the majority of items in the game.

    16-karat gold nugget

    The majority of Rocket League players do not use an antenna because they find it to be distracting while playing. The Gold Nugget, on the other hand, is an attenna that anyone would use if they had access to it. In 2014, this item was only available to Beta players, and it is now available to everyone. A rare antenna in the game, the Gold Nugget is extremely difficult to come by because only a small number of players took part in the beta.


    The Titanium White Octane is a 19k gold standard.


    • The Octane is the most popular car in Rocket League, and it is also the car of choice for many professional players

    • Compared to the standard Octane, the Titanium White Octane has a different color scheme

    • This particular version of the Octane is currently unavailable through traditional means, so if buy Rocket League credits want to get your hands on one of these vehicles, you'll have to trade for it on the open market

    Dominus in Titanium White - 23kt.

    The Dominus is the go-to vehicle for freestylers around the world. Because of the car's flat design, it is ideal for performing air dribbles and pulling off insane stunts. The Titanium White Dominus, like the Octane, can no longer be crafted, so you'll have to purchase one off the shelf.

    The Grey Apex is valued at 22k.

    In order to obtain the Apex wheels, Rocket League Items Xbox One must play in a Rocket League competitive match where gift rocket league credits will receive random drops. To be eligible for one of these drops, Rocket League Prices must be actively participating in the games on Twitch while also logged into your Rocket League account. These wheels have a similar appearance to the popular Titanium White wheels, and as a result, they command a high price on the market.

    Titanium White Apex - $70, 000

    These appear to be a little more vibrant than the Grey Apex. In addition, because the Apex wheels and Titanium White are so well-liked, they command a high price.