I do not judge people by their clothes

  • It is important to be aware that I am at the 50th level of RuneScape Gold construction. Some of these rooms have not been built yet. Just my vision of the future. There are currently 21 rooms including my first portal room, which I just constructed.

    Throughout my RS career, I've had the chance to own many different things. H'ween masks. Santa Claus, everything GWD items. Your character is an image of how other players view you in-game. When I reached level 110 and wore my full 3rd birthday, a lot of people wanted to know what I did to get it.

    Now, I just wear a very sexy, unattractive outfit (Mith chain, studded chaps, gold ammy etc), And I admitt, I love it! Nobody follows me around asking for my claws. I believe people see me as an inconvenience, so they ignore me. In reality, I was wearing the same thing the other day and then I switched to Full Bandos and claws.

    A guy next to me said, "Oh lol Luftey, I didn't know you were 120, thought you were an average 40". My ramblings aside, what do you think? Your appearance could influence other' opinions of you. Do you judge others based on the way they dress?

    I think that most people are unaware of me in Buy OSRS Accounts my latest outfits... I do not judge people by their clothes. But when I come across someone in D meds, bandos+glory and even full rune+glory, it's tempting to put their name in the nubfile even though that's not usually the situation.