Make the most of your expedition experience in Path of Exile

  • The new league has been released, and it is now time to make things go boom in search of good loot or challenging fights in the arena. You can join an organization called the Expedition League, andPOE Curreny can be a great way to relieve stress while also earning some rewards. There is also new PoE currency, new shop NPCs, and new items to collect in addition to the existing ones. In order to make the most of Expedition encounters, here is a rundown of what to do and how to make the most of them.





    What Happens During an Encounter
    A new NPC will appear at the start of the encounter, along with an explosive device and a number of markers scattered about the area. These markers, signs, or sticks depict what you can find in that area, which can range from treasure to enemies to a challenge or a challenge to a challenge.

    If you want to find out what's hidden beneath the rubble, you'll have to plant explosives in the areas you want to be discovered. The number of encounters starts out at four, but this number increases as you progress through the acts. Because explosives cannot be placed too far apart from one another or from the detonator, they must be placed with care. They'll explode in the order in which you placed them (more on this later), and you'll be able to collect the loot or engage in combat with the enemies.

    If you get knocked out,buy path of exile currency items's simple to get back into the fight and continue it, or to loot the remaining chests. While you'll mostly get crappy equipment, the new currencies you'll be able to obtain are what's most important.

    They are known as the Four Merchants.
    The expansion introduces four new non-player characters (NPCs) who are involved with the expeditions. Gwennen the Gambler, Tujen the Haggler, Rog the Dealer, and Dannig Warrior Skald are the four characters. All of them are merchants who are willing to conduct business with you if you have the appropriate currency to conduct business with them.

    In exchange for Broken Circle Artifacts, Gwennen will accept Astragali merchandise, which you can reroll with Astragali. You can purchase equipment from her that is both rare and of questionable quality, as befits her Gambler moniker. Depending on your luck,Cheap POE Items For Sale could be the best thing that ever happened to you or complete garbage.

    Tujen sells his wares in exchange for Black Scythe Artifacts, and his shop restocks when you use Exotic Coinage to purchase more items from him. With him, you can haggle over the prices in his shop, but if you set the price too low, he may remove thePOE Currency For Saleem from his inventory. It's best to keep the price as low as possible so that he'll still be interested in trading with you later.

    Rog accepts Order Artifacts and replaces them with Scrap Metal in his inventory. He is the most straightforward merchant among the four, though he does have a few extras on his side. He will craft the item you want to purchase for you if you pay him an additional fee. You have the option of skipping the upgrade or applying it to the item while he is creating it. When you're finished, simply take the item and you're ready to go.

    Dannig is the final merchant in the group of four. He'll exchange your Sun Artifacts for one of the other three artifact currencies, depending on which one you have. He will not alter his inventory, but the prices of his products will change if you use the Burial Medallion. Later on, through his shop, you'll be able to unlock the ability to use Expedition Logbooks.

    Running Expeditions: Some Pointers
    First, make a thorough examination of all of the indicators. It's possible to come across Unearthed Remnants, which will make enemies from subsequent detonations more difficult to deal with. It is at this point that careful planning pays off. If you're looking for a challenge, you can start by detonating Remnants, which will make enemies more difficult to defeat. Alternatively, you could place it near the end of the game so that it does not affect too many enemies.

    You are not required to use up all of your explosives at once. You run the risk of accidentally detonating your planted bombs before they have time to do so. This also allows you to concentrate on the markers where you are most interested in earning the rewards. It is possible to proceed directly to the detonator to obtain the loot if you are confident that you have covered all of the necessary indicators.

    If you have a full inventory after an encounter, you can speak with an NPC or a merchant to have the Expedition Locker opened and the shards safely stored away. Expedition Logbooks can be found around level 34, if you look hard enough. They can be crafted and sold through the World of Warcraft trade system. These unlock massive Expedition maps, which in turn unlock even more rewards. Make sure you're prepared before taking on a new one.

    Orange and yellow chest markers are preferable to white chest markers, which are essentially worthless. They are more rewarding than the white ones because they are more numerous. Having said that, if there isn't anything better available, you might as well get those instead.

    Because of the current state of the game, it is possible that the rewards from expeditions will not result in any Exalted Orbs being awarded to you. Having said that, you should be utilizing the artifacts to trade with the new merchants in order to obtain the best possible items. Even if nothing else, it might be worthwhile to experiment with the new skill gems that have been introduced in this league.