Several Magic Leveling Professional Skills of Old School RuneSc

  • Since the official release of Old School Runescape in February 2013, Runescape fans have been experiencing this deterministic MMORPG adventure in the three combat professions of warrior, ranger, and wizard. But magic is an important skill that we cannot ignore.

    1. In the early days, players didn't need to spend dollars to upgrade their magic skills. It is very suitable to use weaker strike spells to complete the task of attacking goblins, cows, or monks. The elemental staff can help pay for the expensive casting costs. Each casting can get 2 points of magic experience.

    2. 10 levels of magic available for free game players, Imp Catcher, and Witch's Potion missions that can be completed without runes, are suitable choices for earning experience.

    3. Go to Zaff's superior staff, the "air staff" can reduce the cost of casting. Free-to-play gamers can use the casting Varrock Teleport, Lumbridge Teleport, and Falador teleport to gain experience. Paid gamers can use Camelot Teleport to earn 80,000 experience per hour. OSRS Gold is very cheap on

    4. The method of getting a magic experience by killing pests is very safe. When fighting with manic monkeys on Ape Atoll, try to cast Ice Burst. This is good training and a good choice.

    5. The method of threading jewelry is suitable for players who also need manual experience because this method can not only provide 150,000 magic experience per hour but also 6,265 manual experience. Using muddy combatants can reduce potential costs, and you can also use amulets to help you. Players who have the right to use the Moon Spellbook can cast the spell String Jewelry.

    Finally, Buy Runescape Gold assists in completing tasks with a lot of experience rewards. I think this is the fastest way. I wish you happy playing.