How to Fix the HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout Error Code?

  • HTTP status codes beginning with 5 indicate server-side errors. They occur when the request is not able to be completed due to a failure in the connection between multiple servers.

    What does the 504 gateway timeout actually mean? The 504 Gateway timeout is an HTTP status code. It occurs when one server is not receiving an immediate response from the other one acting as a proxy or gateway. In simple terms, the 504 gateway timeout indicates that the server is unable to respond to your request within a specified period of time.

    There are a variety of errors that you could encounter. Common errors you could have encountered include:

    A white screen

    Error Establishing a Database Connection

    Too Many Redirect Errors

    502 Error: Bad Gateway

    Since there are many varieties of operating systems, browsers and servers and servers, they show the error 504 in a variety of ways. They all generally have the same meaning. We've listed the most commonly used variations of HTTP error 504:

    504 Gateway Timeout

    504 Gateway Timeout NGINX

    NGINX 504 Gateway Timeout

    Gateway Timeout Error

    504 gateway timeout in PHP

    Error 504

    504 Error Code

    504 Status Code

    HTTP Error 504

    Gateway Timeout Error 504

    HTTP 504

    504 Error

    Gateway Timeout (504)

    504 Gateway Time-out: The server couldn't respond on time

    What Are The Causes of the 504 Gateway Timeout Error?

    Before we look at the error itself, it is crucial to know why it occurs. When you open your browser and go to an URL, it transmits the request to the server on which the request is stored. The web server then processes the request and then sends you the requested resources, along by the HTTP header. The header is one of the numerous HTTP status codes to help you know whether everything is in order or something has gone wrong. Some status codes are not negative. For instance"Zero" means that everything is in order.

    Any status code within the 500-s range is an error message (500 502, 501, 502 500, 503, 504, etc.) that can mean different things. They show they indicate that the query was received however, the server was unable to process it. It could mean that the server was unable to execute.

    The HTTP 504 error is a sign that the server operating as a gateway is running out of time to await an response from the server. The error message is generated in the event that there's two servers that are involved in processing the request and the time to respond from the second server is over.

    Alongside server timeouts there are other factors that can cause the error code 504:

    Slow serverIt could be that the server that the website is hosted WordPress website is not responding fast enough and, as a result, it creates gateway errors.

    Insufficient PHP employees- PHP employees are utilized to run your WordPress website. The demand for sites can cause all PHP workers extremely busy. If that happens they are forming a queue. If the queue, as well as the backlog, are full, older requests are not considered. You can request your hosting company to expand the number of PHP workers. The additional PHP workers for your site will allow for the execution of many requests at once.

    Issues with the firewall problems with the firewall the firewall of your site might have errors due to an error in configuration or blocking rules that block the connection.

    Network connection If there are problems in the connectivity between the proxy server as well as web server, it could result in delays. There could also be issues with the network connection of the load balancer, in case it is being used.